Library: RTN_Common (1.1.0)


User Date/Time Remarks
Sandy Angel 04-Jan-2022 03:59 PM Promoted to "Final" status. 
Sandy Angel 04-Jan-2022 03:58 PM Promoted to "Under Review" status. 
Sandy Angel 04-Jan-2022 03:58 PM Customer Profile Updates 
Sandy Angel 30-Nov-2021 06:18 PM Demoted to "Draft" status. 
Sandy Angel 30-Nov-2021 06:17 PM Demoted to "Under Review" status. 
Sandy Angel 30-Nov-2021 01:31 PM Promoted to "Final" status. 
Sandy Angel 30-Nov-2021 01:30 PM Promoted to "Under Review" status. 
Sandy Angel 30-Nov-2021 01:27 PM  
Sandy Angel 16-Nov-2021 04:16 PM Updates for Customer Record project. 
Sandy Angel 10-Aug-2021 03:08 PM Initial publication.