Library: RTN_Transactions (1.0.0)


Name Type Description
 CashManagement Core Object Allows for monetary amount information to be sent when the amount is not tied to another type of transaction (e.g. order, refund).
 ClockDataTransaction Business Object A record of a punch transaction for the employee (e.g. this may be a punch in or out for a shift, or a punch in our out for a break).
 Denomination Core Object Specifies information related to the denomination of cash.
 Drawer Business Object Provides details related to a drawer transaction.
 Event Business Object Specifies the type of transaction (e.g. Order, PunchCard, Reservation, etc.)
 EventType Choice Object Specifies the type of transaction (e.g. Order, Reservation, Refund, etc.).
 Job Core Object Information pertaining to a position in the organization (e.g. Waiter, Host, Dishwasher, etc.),
 OrderItemState Core Object An array of states for the order item.
 Party Core Object One or more guests.
 PartyMix Core Object Details regarding the age categories of the party.
 PartyRequests Core Object Specifies needs and/or preferences of the party.
 Refund Core Object Provides information regarding a reimbursement.
 RefundTransactionType Choice Object Specifies the type of transaction that the refund applies to.
 Reservation Business Object Used to hold a table at a location.
 SeatingType Core Object Specifies seating needs for the party.
 TimeCard Core Object Provides details regarding clock data transactions.
 TransactionDevice Core Object Provides details about the instrument used to conduct the transaction.