Library: RTN_Codelist (2.0.0)


Name Type Description
 Action_Enum Closed Enumeration Specifies an action to be taken.
 AddressType_Enum Open Enumeration
 AllergyInformation_Enum Open Enumeration A list of allergens.
 CommunicationMethod_Enum Open Enumeration
 Contains_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies whether a product contains or is free from a related item.
 DateType_Enum Open Enumeration Specifes a type of date (birthday, anniversary, etc.)
 DaysOfWeek_Enum Closed Enumeration An enumeration of the seven days of the week.
 LifestyleChoices_Enum Open Enumeration A list of lifestyle choices (e.g. Vegan).
 NameType_Enum Open Enumeration
 NutritionInformationType_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the details for the nutrition item being sent.
 OptInStatus_Enum Closed Enumeration Provides various statuses related to opting in and out for communications and shareing of data.
 OrderChannel_Enum Open Enumeration Provides a list of systems for creating restaurant orders.
 OrderStatus_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the status of the order (e.g. recieved, in progress, delivered).
 PhoneCapabilities_Enum Open Enumeration
 PhoneType_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the type of phone (home, business, mobile).
 ProfileStatus_Enum Open Enumeration
 Pronoun_Enum Open Enumeration A list of prounouns that may be utilized by a person.
 RelationshipType_Enum Open Enumeration
 Status_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the state of an item or service, e.g. the restaurant is temporarily closed.
 ThirdPartySystemType_Enum Open Enumeration
 UnitOfMeasure_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the unit of measure for an associated item.
 ValueType_Enum Closed Enumeration Specifies whether a value is an amount or a percent.
 VerificationCategory_Enum Open Enumeration Specifies the type of verification that has been performed.
 VerificationType_Enum Open Enumeration Identifies the type of document used for verification.