Library: RTN_Common (3.0.0)


Name Type Description
 Address Core Object Specifies the physical location of an entity.
 AlphaLength3 Simple
 AssociatedProfile Core Object
 Availability Choice Object Allows either the use of the effectivity object or the day part object to be used to define the availability.
 Brand Core Object A group of restaurants belonging to the same company.
 BusinessEntity Choice Object The organization doing business as a portfolio holding company, brand or order fulfillment location.
 ChannelEffectivity Core Object Specifies availability for specific channels (e.g. curbside, take-out, delivery).
 CommunicationMethod Core Object Provides details for a specific form of communication.
 Company Business Object Information pertaining to a buisness unit.
 CurrencyCode Value With Attributes An ISO 4217 alpha character code used to specify the monetary unit.
 Customer Core Object Details about a customer.
 DayPart Core Object Defines a specific part of the day (e.g. the days/hours that breakfast is available). This object makes use of the summary facet on the TimeSpan object.
 DepositDetails Core Object Details about a deposit.
 Discount Core Object Specifies the details of a discount such as the amout or percent of the discount and to which items the discount applies.
 Email Core Object Email address information.
 Employee Business Object Information regarding an employee..
 GUID Simple A globally unique ID for an object.
 Location Business Object Specifies details for a store or location.
 Media Core Object Provides a link to a media URI or Known Asseet Number.
 MediaCategory Core Object Specifies the category for the media asset contained within the object.
 OperationSchedule Core Object Specifies the days and times of operation.
 PackingList Core Object A items that should be packed for this menu item (e.g. utensils, napkins).
 Payment Core Object Details regarding the exchange of goods for money.
 Person Core Object Details about a person.
 PersonName Core Object Specifies the name of a person (e.g. customer, employee).
 Phone Core Object Specifies telephone information.
 PortfolioHoldingCompany Core Object A company that maintains multiple brands.
 Position Core Object Specifies the geographic position of the entity. This position element uses the ISO 6709 standard.
 Pricing Core Object Defines the price, tax and related fees for an item.
 Privacy Core Object Allows for control of the sharing of data between parties.
 Profile Business Object Details related to a an individual or company.
 ProfileEntity Choice Object Profile information for a person or company.
 ProfileStatusHistory Core Object
 Promotion Core Object Provides information regarding a promotion or charity event.
 Reference Value With Attributes The reference object is used to identify an item related to but not contained within this transaction (e,g. identifies a check that is associated to another check).
 SKU Value With Attributes The Stock Keeping Unit. A code that identifies a product.
 SignificantDate Core Object Identifies dates that are related to the profile (e.g Birthday, Anniversay, Membership Anniversary, etc.)
 SocialMedia Core Object SocialMedia
 Surcharge Core Object Detailed surcharge information (e.g. a charge added to a price).
 Tax Core Object Detailed tax information.
 TermsAndConditions Core Object
 ThirdPartySystem Business Object
 TimeSpan Core Object Specifies a time span by intdicating the start and end dates/times.
 Verification Core Object Specifies information for the person that has been previously verified.
 YesNoInherit_Enum Closed Enumeration