Library: RTN_MenuSync (2.0.0)


Name Type Description
 AllergenDetails Core Object Specifies whether an item contains or is free from an allergen.
 BaselineNutrition Core Object Basic nutrition information.
 Channel Core Object Identifies a channel and description information.
 Default Core Object A preselected group of items associated with an item.
 DietaryRestrictions Core Object Provides information regarding dietary restrictions.
 Menu Business Object A collection of MenuItems, MenuProducts, Ingredients, Modifiers, and Prices.
 MenuItem Business Object A single item within a menu product. A menu item may have multiple copies to support dynamic pricing (or multiple prices per menu item) based on capabilities of publisher / subscriber systems, though the pricing data structure supports multiple/intelligent/dynamic pricing.
 MenuProduct Business Object A group of one or more menu items, typically sold with a single price.
 Modifier Business Object
 RestaurantDetails Business Object Specifies the location and menu details for a restaurant.
 ServingSize Core Object Specifies the details related to the size of the portion.