Library: RTN_Common (1.1.0)


Name Type Description
 Address Core Object Specifies the physical location of an entity.
 AssociatedProfile Core Object
 Brand Core Object A group of restaurants belonging to the same company.
 CommunicationMethod Core Object Provides details for a specific form of communication.
 Company Core Object Details about a business.
 Email Core Object Email address information.
 Entity Choice Object Provides information for a particular type of profile (e.g. Person, Company, etc.).
 Location Business Object Specifies details for a store or location.
 Person Core Object Details about a person.
 PersonName Core Object Specifies the name of a person (e.g. customer, employee).
 Phone Core Object Specifies telephone information.
 Privacy Core Object Allows for control of the sharing of data between parties.
 Profile Business Object Details related to a an individual or company.
 ProfileStatusHistory Core Object
 SocialMedia Core Object SocialMedia
 TermsAndConditions Core Object
 ThirdPartySystem Business Object
 Verification Core Object Specifies information for the person that has been previously verified.
 YesNoInherit_Enum Closed Enumeration