Core Object: Discount (2.0.0)

Library: RTN_Common (

    • Description

      Specifies the details of a discount such as the amout or percent of the discount and to which items the discount applies.
Property Value
Simple Facet:  Empty  
Facets  Summary


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
valueType Attribute  ValueType_Enum   Specifies if the discount is expressed as an amount or a percent.
value Attribute  decimal   The discount amount or percentage. The value type defines whether the value is an amount or a percent.
Application Element  GUID   A discount that applies to the item.
Description Element  string   A description of the discount.
beforeTaxInd Indicator   When true, the discount is applied before tax. When false, the discount applies after tax.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.