Business Object: MenuItem (1.0.0)

Library: RTN_MenuSync (

    • Description

      A single item within a menu product.  A menu item may have multiple copies to support dynamic pricing (or multiple prices per menu item) based on capabilities of publisher / subscriber systems, though the pricing data structure supports multiple/intelligent/dynamic pricing.
Property Value
Aliases  Ingredient
Facets  ID


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
iD Attribute  GUID   A globally unique identifier for the menu item or ingredient depending on the use.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
NutritionResource Element  anyURI   URL to master nutrition guide for specific information about a menu item.
BaselineNutrition Element  BaselineNutrition   Nutrition information for the this menu item.
DietaryRestrictions Element  DietaryRestrictions   Information regarding dietary resctrictions for this item.
RegulatoryRequirementsDescription Element  string   Provides regulatory notification requirements (e.g. Sodium warning, calorie warning).
Availability Element  Availability   The effective dates/times or day parts for this menu item.
ChannelAvailability Element  string   Specifies the channels for which this menu item is available. If there are no channels specified at the menu item level, then the channels specified at the menu will apply.
LocationAvailability Element  string   A location or arbitrary set of locations where the menu item may be available. This is a location in the restaurants direct control, i.e. restaurant x at this address, NOT a third party service.
Destination Element  string   This is where the menu item is handed off to the customer. This could be a drive through, dine in / take out, etc. This is NOT an order channel.
Description Element  string   A textual description of the menu item.
Preparation Element  string   Describes how the menu item is prepared.
MasterDescription Element  string   The main description for the menu item.
Channel Element  Channel   Provides a channel for which this menu is available and a description for the menu item specific to the channel. If no channel description is available the MasterDescription should be used.
PackingList Element  PackingList   A list of items that should be packed for this menu item (e.g. utensils, napkins).
OrderingNotes Element  string   Textual information regarding any specific ordering information for this menu item.
Ingredient Element  Ingredient   An ingredient used in this menu item.
ServingSize Element  ServingSize   Provides information on the size of the portion for this menu item.
Promotion Element  Promotion   Provides information about a promotion or charity event related to this menu item.
MediaCategory Element  MediaCategory   A media asset for this menu item.
Source Element  string   Where the item came from.
Pricing Element  Pricing   Pricing information associated with the item.
SKU Element  SKU   The SKU code for the menu item.
Default Element  Default   A preselected group of items associated with a menu item.
Modifier Element  Modifier   An item that modifies the parent item.
modifierEligibleInd Indicator   When true, this menu item may be modified.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.