Core Object: OrderTracking (2.0.0)

Library: RTN_Order (

    • Description

      Provides details to track an order from origination to delivery.
Property Value
Simple Facet:  Empty  
Facets  Summary


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
OrderOriginationLocationCategory Element  OrderOriginationLocationCategory_Enum   Specifies if the order took place on or off premises.
OrderOriginationLocation Element  OrderOriginationLocation_Enum   Specifies the location in which an order originated.
DataEntryDetails Element  DataEntryDetails   Specifies details for how an order was entered.
OrderOriginResponsibility Element  OrderResponsibility_Enum   Specifies if the order was created by the customer or if there was assistance with the order (e.g. staff member).


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.