Business Object: Event (2.0.0)

Library: RTN_Transactions (

    • Description

      Specifies the type of transaction (e.g. Order, PunchCard, Reservation, etc.)
Property Value
Facets  ID


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
TransactionGUID Element  GUID   GUID of any interaction a customer has with a restaurant.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
TransactionDateTimeStamp Element  dateTime   The date/time that the transaction occurred.
TransactionType Element  TranactionType_Enum   Specifies the type of transaction (e.g. Add, Create, Delete, Update).
BusinessDate Element  dateTime   The business date when the transaction occurred. This could be different than the timestamp depending on when the day is closed out.
Location Element  Location   Specifies the location for which the transaction occurred.
TransactionDevice Element  TransactionDevice   Provides details about the instrument used to conduct the transaction.
Employee Element  Employee   An employee related to this transaction.
EventType Element  EventType   Specifies the type of transaction (e.g. Order, Reservation, Refund, etc.).
Approver Element  Approver   Details related to the employee approving this transaction.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.