Core Object: Verification (3.0.0)

Library: RTN_Common (

    • Description

      Specifies information for the person that has been previously verified.
Property Value
Simple Facet:  Empty  
Facets  Summary


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
VerificationCategory Element  VerificationCategory_Enum   Specifies the type of verification that has been performed.
VerificationType Element  VerificationType_Enum   Identifies the type of document used for verification.
VerifiedBy Element  string   Identifies a person who verified the ID.
VerificationSystem Element  string   Identifies the verification system.
Description Element  string   A name or description for the verification system.
VerifiedInd Indicator   When true, this verification category has been verified.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.