Core Object: Person (3.0.0)

Library: RTN_Common (

    • Description

      Details about a person.
Property Value
Aliases  Contact
Simple Facet:  Empty  
Facets  Summary


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
birthday Attribute  date   The date of birth.
PersonName Element  PersonName   The name of the person. This may include given name, surname, etc..
Email Element  Email   Email address details for the person.
Phone Element  Phone   Phone details associated with this person.
Address Element  Address   Addresses associated with this person.
SocialMedia Element  SocialMedia   Social media details for the person.
CommunicationMethod Element  CommunicationMethod   Identifies communications methods preferred by the person.
Verification Element  Verification   Specifies information for the person that has been previously verified.
ThirdPartySystem Element  ThirdPartySystem   Provides information related to the person in a third party system.
Gender Element  string   The gender for the person.
PreferredPronoun Element  Pronoun_Enum   The person's preferred pronoun.
Company Element  Company   A company that the person is associated with.
SignificantDate Element  SignificantDate   Speifies dates that are of importance to the person .


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
Description Element  string   A description associated with the person.