Business Object: Profile (1.1.0)

Library: RTN_Common (

    • Description

      Details related to a an individual or company.
Property Value
Facets  ID


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
ProfileGUID Element  GUID   A globally unique identifier for a customer (person, entity, group).


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
Status Element  ProfileStatus_Enum   Specifies the current status of the profile (e.g. Active, Inactive, Marked for deletion, etc.).
ProfileStatusHistory Element  ProfileStatusHistory   A collection of status changes for a profile along with associated data. Even the current status will create a ProfileStatusHistory Record which can be used to calculate when a status began and potentially ended.
AssociatedProfile Element  AssociatedProfile   Provides information regarding another profile and the relationship to the profile.
Entity Element  Entity   Profile details for an entity (e.g. person, company, etc.).
Brand Element  Brand   Specifies information about one or more brands related to the profile.
LastUsedDateTime Element  dateTime   Specifies the last time that the profile was utilized (e.g. updated, usage, etc.).


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.