Core Object: TimeSpan (4.0.0)

Library: RTN_Common (

    • Description

      Specifies a time span by intdicating the start and end dates/times.
Property Value
Aliases  Effectivity
Simple Facet:  Empty  
Facets  Summary


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
startDate Attribute  dateTime   Specifies the start date/time.
endDate Attribute  dateTime   Specifies the end date/time.
DaysOfWeek Element  DaysOfWeek_Enum   Specifies the days of week.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
Name Element  string   Marketing name associated with the availability of an item (e.g. Happy Hour).
WeekOfMonth Element  positiveInteger   Specifies the specific week of the month that are applicable.
MonthOfYear Element  positiveInteger   Specifies the specific month of the year that is applicable.