Business Object: Drawer (1.0.0)

Library: RTN_Transactions (

    • Description

      Provides details related to a drawer transaction.
Property Value
Facets  ID


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
DrawerEventGUID Element  GUID   A unique identifier for a drawer event used to tie multiple drawer transactions to a single drawer event.


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
TillID Element  string   An identifier for the removeable cash holder that can be placed in or removed from the drawer.
DrawerOpenTime Element  dateTime   The date/time the drawer was open (represented in ISO 8601 format).
DrawerCloseTime Element  dateTime   The date/time the drawer was closed (represented in ISO 8601 format).
DrawerTransactionReason Element  DrawerReason_Enum   Specifies why the drawer transaction was initiated.
ReasonDescription Element  string   Textual information to further describe the reason for the drawer event.
ReferencedTransactionGUID Element  GUID   A unique identifier a transaction that initiated the drawer event (e.g. Order, Reservation).
CashManagement Element  CashManagement   Allows for monetary amount information to be sent when the amount is not tied to another type of transaction (e.g. order, refund).


Field Name Member Type Field Type Description
No member fields defined for this facet.